AMD Ryzen Build

Some facts on the CPU: it is currently #135 on PassMark [16,9499]

The video card was the least expensive PCI available at Micro Center.

This build is intended for two distinct purposes. The first is a general-purpose, install linux, install multiple linux, experiment machine. The second is as a Windows gaming machine, which will require a “real” GPU and Windows 10 install.

Note: The AMD CPU came with a coupon code for a free game. However, redeeming the code requires “AMD Verification Tool”, and that tool is windows-only. So, don’t fall for AMD if you want to use linux. Probably, just don’t fall for AMD, period.

Item Product Cost
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 2700x 3.7Ghz 8 Core, 16 threads AM4 (4.3Ghz turbo) AM4, 105W $159
Cooler Wraith Prism Cooler
RAM G.Skill Aegis 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4 2400 (PC4 19200) CL17 F4-2400C17D-16G – Black/Red $68
Motherboard Gigabyte B450M Aorus AM4 mATX Motherboard $40
Power Supply Apea 500W reuse
Video EVGA GeForce 8400GS 1GB Single-Fan DDR3 $42
Video Gigabyte Radeon RX 570 4GG 256-bit GDDR4 x16 $115
Case NZXT GAMMA Classic ATX Mid Tower reuse $31
M.2 Drive Intel 660p Series 1TB – NVMe 3.0 x4 3D2, QLC SSD (SSDPEKNW010T8X1) $83
SS Drive None
HD Drive None
4-to-8 pin adapter Coboc EPSADLP48-6 6in ATX 12V P4 4-Pin LP4 to EPS 12V 8-pin $2
OS Ubuntu to start, then Windows 10 Pro 64-bit OEM
Total $394
Tax 7.529% $24
Grand Total $418

tax newegg 7.526%
tax microcenter 7.529%

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