I just read about Scala for a few hours. Mainly from Java to Scala with the Help of Experts under the sections “Scala for Java Refugees” and “The busy Java developer’s guide to Scala”.
My first take-away is “Good Luck With That”. Where “That” is code like this: (based on Listing 9)
def main(args : Array[String]) { tryToFigureThisOut // "This is not part of the language" { thisMethodThrowsExceptions_GoodLuck } }
It reminds me of this [invalid but representational] c code:
#define while(j,k) printf(j,k); fflush(stdout); #define F for(r=d;r<n+N; F++r)*r=c; while (--y, --x);
My second take-away is that Scala is a nice spoiler for Ruby – I can see people who are drawn to the wild world of Ruby settling for Scala instead. It is crazy enough to scratch the itch, but backwards-compatible.